Fish disease books & Computer Software & App to diagnose and treat ornamental fish diseases
Written by Gerald Bassleer. The most important fish diseases: fin rot, velvet disease, white spot infection, bacterial infection, parasitic infection, worm infection, KHV, etc. on a large variety of ornamental fish: neon, tetra, catfish, gourami, killie, rainbow fish, guppy, platy, molly, swordtail, cichlid, discus, goldfish, koi, shrimps, etc. Also fish disease books on diseases of marine fish. We have a special website to complete your purchase=
The New Illustrated Guide to Fish Diseases (book)
A detailed book with 232 pages, with 1000 photgraphs, descriptions and treatments on tropical freshwater fish diseases. The largest and most detailed book of its kind. Here a video of 2’40” of author explaining his book:
Preview 1 book:The new Illustrated guide to Fish diseases Preview 2 book: The new Illustrated guide to Fish diseases To order the book = THE NEW ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO FISH DISEASES.
With DVDrom with 65 videos and analytic diagnostic tool! Worlwide available through our distributors. Contact us. Preview book:The new Illustrated guide to Fish diseases Preview book: The new Illustrated guide to Fish diseases THE NEW ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO FISH DISEASES (in ornamental tropical and pond fish) order with the following links

The Practical Guide to Fish Diseases
A new detailed English book on the most important diseases, 104 pages with 250 selected photographs. New fish diseases, new medications and new photographs makes this book very valuable for anyone who cares about his fish. Here a short video of 2’30” the author explains his book:
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Diseases in marine aquarium fish (New Edition, 2019)
A newly edited handy book on diseases of tropical marine fish with 95 photographs and many (new) pratical tips to apply treatments. Written by an expert on fish diseases, The Flying Fish Doctor, Dr. Gerald Bassleer. Also available in DE, FR and NL. This book is explained by the author in this short video:
If you want to BUY NOW, select shipping INSIDE EUROPE or OUTSIDE EUROPE because we ship from Belgium and it depends where you want to receive the book.

App/ebooks to help your sick fish: for iOs (Mac) & Android
Order via our APP “fish diseases”
FISH DISEASE books & videos as App Teach yourself to diagnose and to treat your sick fish! These apps help you to become a ‘fish doctor’
App for iOs (MAC) iphone bjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=839600610&mt=8
App for Tablet (Android)