Online Help and Consult Fish Diseases
Now you can get online help or consultation on the problems of your fish and fish diseases.
When you cannot get a disease diagnosis or the necessary service or assistance to solve your problems, you use this tool.
The fish doctor Gerald Bassleer will reply within 24-48hrs after you have send in the completed Questionnaire for Consultation together with a good quality photograph of the diseased fish(es) and your payment of € 24.50 (see link below).
When no consult or good advice is possible, your payment will be send back= no cure, no pay!
For those that want a specific consultancy to solve problems with many or different fish (as business or private), we have a private CONSULTING SERVICE option (with the option of ZOOM-meeting) at Patreon:
CLICK on this Questionnaire for consultation
With the help of the questionnaire and your good answers we might be able to help and give you a clear disease diagnosis!
Fish Disease Diagnosis
A Diagnostic Tool for diagnosing or analysing your fish diseases with the help of many practical photographs of diseased fish.
This is a small sample of our Computer Software and our book on fish disease diagnosis that are available for sale!
Click on the disease sign or symptom and pictures to obtain more info on the disease diagnosis! Good luck!
BUT if this tool cannot help you, you might need the ONLINE Consult for fish diseases. Fill in the questionnaire and we might be able to help you.
Or you can buy or books or app’s= now availabe online =
We give also training on diagnosing & treating fish diseases: See Our Products =’Education & Training’
Some good advice = Treat your fish well and use our Dr. Bassleers BIOFISH FOOD = makes your fish healthy= Prevents and helps to control diseases by using a functional food with nutricaments= click here
A. Fin and tail rot
B. Pale or white patches on skin
C. Turbidity of the skin
D. Red or bloody patches on the skin and ulcers
E. Holes/pits/craters
F. Spots/dots/wart-like clumps
G. Cotton-like growth
H. Lice and worms on the fish
I. Eye problems
J. Swollen or emaciated fish
K. Discoloration
L. Deformities