Who is Bassleer Biofish?
Bassleer Biofish is located in Belgium and offers a service to the ornamental fish industry!
CEO Dr. Gerald Bassleer, has more then 40 years of experience in the export, import, wholesale and training fish health in the fish industry.
He has worked for several major wholesalers of ornmental fish in the world: 1977-1981=Aquaria Antwerp (Belgium), 1981-1985 = O’Hare Tropical Imports(Chicago,USA), 1985-1991 = Ruinemans Aquarium (The Netherlands) and 1991-1995 = Aquarium Glaser (Germany), 1995-2012= owner of Fish House of Bassleer Biofish (Belgium) (fish house closed since december 2012), since 2012= 100% active with training & consultation.
His speciality is consultant for the aquarium fish industry (Fish Health Managment and Biosecurity implementation), to develop healthy business for breeders, farmers, exporters, importers and aquarium shops. After he closed his fish house in december 2012, he works in Europe, Africa, Asie and South America. See https://www.bassleer.com/vissen/education-training/
TESTIMONIAL:“The Ornamental Fish trade is one with many challenges, there are so many area’s of attention from breeding to quarantine, filtration and water quality, packing, health and diseases, we have to do most research on our own. It is therefore important to share and expand knowledge and invest in the future. We greatly improved our health, packing and purchase procedures with the help of Gerald in the past 1 ½ year and will continue to work closely with him to expand and further improve our ornamental fish activities, we are never finished learning!” (Robert van den Enden, Aquafarm International BV (part of Aquatic Wholesale Group BV), The Netherlands )
Gerald Bassleer is also author of several books & software on fish diseases, diagnosis and treatment: a good tool to solve diseases caused by following infections: bacterial, parasitic and fungal. Many common fish such as Guppy, Neon tetra, Cichlids, Catfish, etc. and their diseases are presented: neon tetra disease, guppy disease, discus disease, goldfish disease, koi disease, columnaris disease, fin rot, velvet disease, white spot infection or ICH, etc. Books are available in 7 languages.
He was also the President of OFI (Ornamental Fish International) from 2006 until 2016.
Bassleer Biofish is the producer of the high quality ornamental fish food “Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food” with innovative products (nutricaments) from nature. Now new= for the PROFESSIONAL USE = Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food profesional care and professional treat
We offer a diagnostic online service and aid for problems with disease fish.
We speak or write following languages: Flemish, Dutch, French, English, German, and a little Spanish…
Contact us by telephone (+32)(0)16-696839
email: info@bassleer.com or go to Contact